等效串联电阻Rs (ESR: Equivalent Series Resistance) 与负阻Negative Resistance

等效串联电阻Rs (ESR: Equivalent Series Resistance) 与负阻Negative Resistance

关于无源晶振(晶体谐振器)起振电路中的等效串联电阻Rs (ESR: Equivalent Series Resistance) 与负阻Negative Resistance,解释如下:

Rs or equivalent series resistance (ESR) is a parameter of the crystal, which can be found in the device specific data sheet. Negative resistance is a parameter of the complete oscillator circuit, including capacitor values, crystal parameters and on-chip circuit. To ensure correct function of the crystal oscillator, negative resistance should be at least 5 times greater than Rs.


等效串联电阻Rs (ESR: Equivalent Series Resistance) 与负阻Negative Resistance

If this is not true the oscillator might not operate as expected or it might not start up at all. The negative resistance of the circuit can be found by introducing a resistor in series with the crystal. To avoid parasitic effects it is recommended to use a 0201 resistor for this task. The threshold of resistance where the oscillator is no longer able to start up is approximately the same as the circuit negative resistance. An example of resistance vs. startup time and negative resistance threshold is shown in the figure below:


等效串联电阻Rs (ESR: Equivalent Series Resistance) 与负阻Negative Resistance

(Startup time vs added series resistance)

Note that higher load capacitor values decreases the negative resistance and rises the startup time.

